“Kakegawa green tea market” has opened at 25th of April 2017!
At tea market, tea dealers are going to make a bid for their favorites “Aracha green tea”. Aracha green tea is semi-processed green tea just out from the tea farm. This year the growth of green tea is few days behind due to the cold weather, but it is all looking good! Every green tea company is keen purchasing best quality of aracha green tea. Then the first harvest aracha green tea is sending to factory for finishing. Each green tea company has their own technics for refining, roasting and blending. Then finally packaged immediate sale as a “Shincha green tea” featured tea of the year! This very important process effect quality and taste of green tea as well as the quality of the green tea leaves itself.
Shincha Topic
Shizuoka green tea market has opened on April 29, 2017 at Shizuoka city. The highest price of hand crafted aracha green tea dealings recorded 1kg: 1,080,000 yen (more than AUD10,000) and this is the of course the past highest record!
This price was the performance to wish 108 years old “longevity”. It is roughly calculated 1000 yen (AUD 12) for 1 serving.
The reason for the price is that a farmer looks after green tea leaves every day for 365 days and continuing put effort to produce premium grade tea leaf. This green tea company hopes the performance contribute to letting people know their effort.
Popularity of Japanese green tea is incredibly rising overseas these days. We are also wishing that Japanese delicate technology and master’s professional work in every aspects of Japanese green tea produce spread over the world.
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